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Student Absences

Attendance and punctuality in all classes throughout the school year is very important to all students.  Parents and students share this responsibility. To assist parents or guardians in complying with this attendance regulation, the school maintains a procedure for school-parent contact concerning absences, truancy, and tardiness. In addition, parents can proactively manage their student's grades and attendance using PowerSchool SIS.

Please note that any student who arrives to school after 9:45am without an acceptable excuse will NOT be allowed in the building. In cases where a student is absent, the parent/guardian should follow this procedure:

Reporting a Student Absence
To manage student absences, the parent/guardian should notify the school office before 9:00 AM. The parent may call the school at 414-353-4430 and dial option #1 for Attendance. Messages can be left at any time. The Attendance line is checked on a daily basis. Calling the school does not automatically result in an excused absence. Destiny High School reserves the right to determine if an absence is excused.  If a written excuse is not obtained in advance, one should be turned in to the Main Office when the student returns to school. 

If you prefer to contact the school in writing, you may submit an Absence Request Form, or send an email to When sending an email, the information below is required for proper attendance documentation:

1. Student’s First Name
2. Student’s Last Name
3. Date(s) of Absence
4. Time of Absence – Examples: all day, from 10 AM-1:30 PM, noon
through the end of the school day, etc.
5. Reason for Absence – The more specific the better, otherwise our office will call you to follow up. Examples: doctor appt, orthodontist appt, funeral, college visit, etc. “Family reasons” is not specific enough. If an email is not sent, the parent/guardian should send a signed, written explanation (including the above required information) on the first day the student returns to school. The written excuse should be turned in to the Main Office. Failure to turn in a written excuse will result in an unexcused absence on the student’s permanent record.